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Our clients

A client who has once chosen our services stays with us for years.

Thus, the circle of our regular clients increases its size systematically and the ones who “were there first” have worked with us since 2006.

The competitive advantage of Van Dahlen Group is granted by:

Rozwiązania, które działają

Solutions that work.

Moments when those who took part in our training courses come back to us saying that they succeeded by putting the solutions we suggested to practice are the best prize.

Dopasowanie do specyfiki firmy

Company-specific form of services.

Since we mostly work with international corporations, we perfectly understand the specifics of this kind of occupation.

Kompleksowe podejście

Comprehensive approach.

Thanks to our knowledge and experience we’re able to show support for our clients in various, sometimes difficult, moments in their lives.

Praca w międzynarodowym środowisku

Ability to work in an international environment.

We successfully work with participants of different nationalities and we enjoy running training courses in English.


Energy that stays.

It’s the main reason they love us 🙂 Passion, sense of humour and friendly atmosphere are the substantial elements of our actions.


The session was kept on a high professional level and based on practical examples (…) We have learnt a lot and now we are able to apply this knowledge into our day to day work
Grażyna Gornowicz
Swarovski Global Business Services
BNP Paribas
The form and the content of the trainings is always adjusted to a given group of participants and professionals from VDG conduct their sessions in a dynamic, engaging and flexible way, taking into account characteristics of the training group.
Zuzanna Zygmańska
BNP Paribas Securities Services
Careful listening to Client’s needs, the experience of the trainers and partnership-based relation guaranteed that the trainings were conducted on a high substantive and organisational level. (…) Participants of the trainings appreciated an interesting way of conveying the knowledge, as well as trainers’ engagement and preparation.
Paulina Kępka
Lufthansa Global Business Services
Our management as well as employees (…) evaluate the trainings conducted by Van Dahlen Group as very useful and professionally prepared. I recommend Van Dahlen Group as a professional and worth commending training company.
Aneta Wrzesień
Zurich International Company Ltd

Who we work with:

Klienci VDG
Nasi klienci