Developmental Trainings
Training offer addressed to specialists in their industry.

Interpersonal Communication
The training provides space for practicing techniques of effective communication in the workplace in the relation to most frequent communication barriers and the ways of overcoming them. The main aim of the training is to develop the skills of direct communication, providing a constructive negative feedback and receiving criticism. A diagnosis of factors restricting an effective communication in the workplace is a crucial part of the training, as it leads to defining the areas of influence and the recovery measures.
After completing the training the participants:
- Can apply in practice the most important rules of effective interpersonal communication, including the rules of forming specific, short and constructive communicates
- Can apply in practice the rules of giving and receiving feedback.
The aim of the training is presentation and practice of the tools and techniques of so called ‘persuasive communication’. Participants will not only practice how to form a fully understandable and convincing communicate, but also will learn how to behave when faced with resistance, reluctance and manipulation. It is not an aim of the training to teach participants manipulation, but to teach them such a form of communication that allows building “I’m OK, you’re OK” type of understanding.
After completing the training the participants:
- Can apply in practice techniques of persuasive communication and social influence
- Are aware how to form a convincing communicate and how to react to resistance and objectionsa
- Can recognize manipulation from the interlocutor’s side and know how to react to it.
The training equips the participants with a reliable knowledge and provides space for practicing the most important issues related to assertive communication (refusing, providing and receiving criticism, expressing negative and positive emotions while maintaining respect for oneself and others). Moreover, during the training each participant will get a chance to set down his/her own map of assertiveness and plan an individual development plan.
After completing the training the participants:
- Can apply in practice the methods of formulating assertive and constructive feedback
- Know and can apply in practice methods of receiving different forms of criticism (deserved, undeserved, partly deserved and allusive)
- Know and can apply in practice methods of asserting refusal oriented towards building relations.
The training helps to improve not only the ability of clear, understandable and convincing communication while maintaining both self-respect and respect to other people. It also strengthens the competence of solving conflict situations that occurs in the work teams.
After completing the training the participants:
- Can differentiate between different possible sources of conflicts and know adequate ways of reacting to each of those
- Can apply the most adequate management style to a conflict situation
- Know how to conduct conversations aiming at a win-win solution.
The aim of the training is to not only to draw the participant’s attention to existing cultural differences but also to furnish them with specific tools for building mutual understanding, agreement and partnership in spite of the existing differences. The participants will gain an indispensable knowledge related to cultural differences in practice (patterns of communication, assertiveness, respect and business savoir-vivre, depending on the cultural circle). They will also get to know how to build mutual respect and trust, despite the differences, especially when the relations are characterised by lack of direct communication (i.e. take place in the virtual environment).
After completing the training the participants:
- Know the communication patterns of the „high context” and „low context” cultures and can apply the knowledge in practice
- Can avoid unnecessary communication barriers resulting from cultural differences
- Can be more effective in formulating requests and expectations towards partners coming from different cultural backgrounds
- Understand the difference in the concept of assertiveness in Polish culture and other cultures (i.e. where submissiveness and aggression end and assertiveness starts).
The training aims at making communication and cooperation with clients and co-workers from India more effective. The focus will be placed on in-depth understanding of the differences in the communication patterns of the ‘West” and the “East” and on the most common misunderstandings occurring in the communication with Indians (e.g. communicating ‘yes’ and ‘no’, conveying bad news and giving negative feedback). Participants will be also familiarised with the cultural background and practical implications of cultural differences in the management styles, as well as with the potential challenges arising from the differences, both in the context of face-to-face meetings and virtual contacts.
After completing the training the participants:
- Understand the culturally conditioned reasons of most frequent misunderstandings in the communication with Indians
- Know practical guidelines how to avoid misunderstandings and barriers in the communication with Indians (how to properly read the messages received, how to effectively formulate one’s requests etc.)
- Understand cultural differences in management styles and the patterns of senior – subordinate relations (what’s the Indian meaning of empowerment, pro activeness, ingratiation etc.).
Outsourcing and offshoring are two powerful business tools which very quickly evolved from “modern strategies” to a standard solution, implemented by many big and medium organisations. This solution, although very often saving money on paper, not always translates into real financial outcomes due to the challenges that remote and intercultural cooperation pose.Significant differences in the systems of values between the “West” and the “East”, their communication styles and attitudes towards such work aspects as time, hierarchy and gender, are very often a source of many miscommunications, negative emotions, frustration and failures in achieving the business objectives. The participants of the training will hence familiarize themselves with potential (and share actual) difficulties and barriers in the context of cooperation with people coming from three Asian countries- currently most common for the outsourcing of business processes (India, China, Philippines). They will get to know and better understand typical behavioural patterns of their Asian co-workers as well as the values and beliefs that undermine the behaviours. Participants will also work out with the trainer set of tools and guidelines for an effective intercultural communication that are practical and possible to implement in their working environment.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know the practical implications of so-called cultural dimensions in the context of cooperation with people from India, China and Philippines (Gesteland’s model, building relations and cooperation in collectivist and individualist cultures)
- RUnderstand the cultural background of the most common misunderstandings in the communication between the “West” and the “East” (communicating “yes” and “no”, conveying “bad news”, giving negative feedback)
- Understand intercultural differences in management styles and the patterns of relations between the boss and the subordinates (practical differences between the High and Low Power
Distance cultures, the meaning of empowerment, pro activeness, assertiveness etc.) - Know and can apply in practice the similarities and differences (“cultural nuances”) between different Asian cultures (i.e. India, China and Philippines)
- Have a crucial set of rules and tips regarding effective communication and cooperation with co-workers from India, China and Philippines.
Personal Effectiveness
The training aims at improving the ability to recognize the symptoms of professional burnout and coping with stress. The participants have a chance to estimate their own risk of professional burnout, practice the use of tools of increasing one’s own motivation, defining one’s own objectives and creating an action plan helping in protecting oneself in the situation of professional burnout.
After completing the training the participants:
- Can apply in practice techniques of constructive coping with stress
- Can select an adequate technique to the actual phase of the stress process
- Know how to support the immunity to stressors and increase an internal motivation to work.
The training aims at improving participants’ skills in managing their own frustration and reacting in a constructive way to the factors influencing professional burnout. The participants have a chance to experience how their individual reaction style in the situations of stress and time pressure influences their level of satisfaction in both professional and personal life.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know what is the professional burnout syndrome, what are its sources and mechanism of avoiding it
- Have a greater awareness of their individual reaction pattern with relations to professional burnout
- Know how to develop in practice the immunity towards stressors causing professional burnout
- Develop their ability to support their self-motivation and implementation of changes in both professional and private life.
Emotional intelligence is a key to maintaining balance between feeling and cognition, between emotions and rationality. Every person possesses emotional intelligence and uses it every day, in every area of life, with a better or worse result. During this training participants can check their level of emotional intelligence and develop new emotional skills with help of special training exercises in small groups.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know and can apply in practice the theory of managing emotions, emotional intelligence and communication in emotional situations
- Develop the ability to understand and predict their own reactions in different situations
- Have a greater awareness of their influence on others
Foreigners in Kraków don’t receive from the public sector any complex support in terms of sociocultural adaptation, usually also employees don’t offer any help of this kind. This training was created to fill in the important gap. The aim of the training is to better prepare foreigners for life and work in Poland, gaining knowledge about the process of adaptation, characteristics of Polish culture and practical guidelines, useful to start one’s life in the new environment (offices, looking for a flat, free time activities etc.). The final, specific goals of the training are always tailored to the needs of every Client and group of participants (based on an analysis of training needs).
After completing the training the participants:
- Gain an essential knowledge about Polish culture and the norms and values shaping the patterns of behaviour of Poles
- Know the characteristics of the process of cultural adaptation and effective strategies of coping with cultural stress
- Will possess essential information and guidelines regarding orientation in areas like accommodation, administration and cultural life in Poland/Kraków.
Steven R. Covey defines proactive behaviour as utilising ‘freedom of choice’ in order to break the cycle of a reactive behaviour based on the stimulus-response pattern. In other words pro activeness is related to taking control and initiative in order to improve a given situation. The main objective of the training is the development of the habits of effective people, with a special focus on pro activeness. The training will focus on developing every-day personal effectiveness (i.e. what can I do and how can I do it, to be more effective in my
After completing the training the participants:
- Have a greater awareness what the proactive attitude means in practice and how it supports reaching one’s goals
- Know and can prevent themselves in practice from the factors limiting the proactive attitude on the level of thoughts, attitude, emotions, and behaviour
- Know how pro activeness feeds intrinsic motivation to reach professional and personal goals.
The main goal of the training is gaining and improving the most important skills in the management of one’s own and employees’ time and development of the habits of highly effective people. During the training participants will focus on improving personal effectiveness (what can I do and how can I do it, to be more effective in my actions) and on finding tools and solutions to make their work and cooperation better.
After completing the training the participants:
- Have a greater awareness of individual barriers in managing themselves in time
- Know how to plan and set priorities in practice
- Recognize and understand the their internal motivation.
Impression Management
Various techniques of presentation are nowadays used in nearly every branch of business – companies know how important it is to present their products directly to the clients. To have a great product is not enough to succeed in sales – it is necessary to present it to customers in a way they remember it. During the training participants will acquire practical skills required to create a professional presentation and to improve the skills of self-presentation.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know and are able to apply the ways of selfpresentation that are the most beneficial and congruous with their personality
- Can create a proper image of themselves congruent with the image of the company
- Can apply in practice the skills essential for preparation of a professional presentation
- Know how to increase their self confidence in the situation of a public speech
- Have greater awareness of their body language and expertly use non-verbal communication.
The aim of the training is to provide knowledge and practice in the area of business savoir-vivre. The participants will get to know what precedence is and what are the rules of business greetings, they will practice the most important rules of contemporary business etiquette, they will also increase their awareness in the area of managing impression and choosing an outfit and accessories in the context of building their business image.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know and are able to apply the most important rules of greetings and introducing themselves and others
- Know how to conduct meetings and conversations in accordance with the most important rules of contemporary business etiquette
- Know and can apply the most important rules of BSV during meals.
Managing relations with clients
The workshop aims, first of all, at helping the employees to form the habit of proactive thinking and acting in contact with clients. The participants will receive the tools and techniques helpful in building positive, long-term relations, surpassing client’s expectations and coping in situations that seem to not have a solution. The focus will be placed on the development of creativity and flexibility in thinking and acting (action and looking for maverick solutions instead of complaining about excessive request of a client) and on emotional control and convincing in the situations when the client “is wrong”.
After completing the training the participants:
- Can apply in practice the rules of professional customer service (what is and what is not allowed, what is behoved etc.)
- Understand the meaning of psychological aspects of communication with clients
- Can be more precise in expressing expectations towards clients in order to satisfy their specific needs and to look for realistic and effective
solutions - Can cope better in difficult, ‘maverick’ situations with the clients.
Creating effective written forms of communication, especially in a foreign language, poses challenges even to people who are doing well in direct communication. Thanks to this training participants will gain knowledge regarding how to effectively build an e-mail and what are some useful lexical phrases (also in English) and they will have a chance to apply the knowledge in practical exercises. The knowledge, enriched with an understanding of intercultural differences, will contribute towards a significant increase in the skills of written communication in Polish and English.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know what business savoir-vivre says about electronic communication
- Know which information, to whom and when can be conveyed via an e-mail and when it’s better to choose other forms of communication
- Know and can apply in practice the structure of a professional e-mail
- Know useful English phrases to be used in an e-mail communication.
The aim of the training is to provide tools and space for practice of effective communication via phone in the business context. The knowledge of the most important rules of business savoir-vivre in the context of telephone communication, the knowledge of the right structure of a phone conversation and conscious use of relevant techniques will enable them to build positive relations with clients and co-workers and to create and strengthen a positive image of the company. During the training participants will familiarize themselves with methods of coping with difficult and unusual situations in the phone contact.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know and can apply the most important rules of business savoir-vivre in the telephone contacts
- Can apply the structure of a phone conversation and know useful tips for every phase of the call
- Can take care of non-verbal communication in the telephone contact (diction, tone etc.)
- Can cope with ‘maverick’ situations in the telephone contact.
The aim of the training is to provide the participants with essential knowledge and skills of effective sales, the ability to speak the language of selling value and – in a long-term perspective – a higher effectiveness of the services provided by the participants in the workplace.
After completing the training the participants:
- Develop skills of building a positive contacts with clients and effective communication in the sales context
- Develop skills of presenting products and offers to clients with the use of knowledge of the phases and rules of conducting a sales conversation
- Work out rules of effective sales
- Develop skills of speaking the language of selling value, identifying the needs of the interlocutor and making a client realise his/her needs.
The training aims mainly at forming the habit of proactive thinking and acting in the relations with „difficult” clients. The participants will receive tools and guidelines along with a chance to practice not only an effective communication aimed at avoiding conflicts but also effective conflict solving once such occur. The workshop will help to develop an assertive attitude in the relations with clients and to learn drawing a line between excessive concessions and client’s satisfaction (well-mannered yet decisive refusal of catering to excessive claims).
After completing the training the participants:
- Can apply in practice tools of assertive communication with clients
- Can effectively deal with difficult questions, objections, criticism, manipulation and lies coming from the client
- Can apply in practice strategies of conflict resolution in relations with clients
- Can apply in practice essential rules of managing one’s own and clients’ emotions in situations of conflicts or misunderstandings.
Negotiations are an art that is possible to master, by learning the key rules of preparing and conducting negotiations meetings and of forming a negotiation contract. How to conduct effective negotiations that become an element of building long-term cooperation with clients? During the training participants will be familiarised with the rules of conducting partnership negotiations, building relations with the partner and possibilities of creating optimal negotiation options. They will also have a chance to practice specific negotiation techniques in simulations of negotiation conversations.
After completing the training the participants:
- Increase their negotiating effectiveness by getting to know the tools of professional preparation to negotiations (negotiations goals, BATNA)
- Know the rules of adjusting the negotiation style to the situation
- Develop skills of presenting negotiations proposals and convincing to expected concessions
- Know the ways of controlling emotions during difficult, stressful moments of negotiations.
The main aim of the training is to gain and develop and learn to apply in practice the most important skills of so called „soft collection” and dealing with „collection games” and manipulation from the client’s side (mainly through a telephone and an e-mail) The focus will be also placed on improving the communication skills with clients in the context of cultural differences (a group of countries set with the client individually, before the training).
After completing the training the participants:
- Know and can apply in practice a scheme of „soft collection” conversations
- Know how to recognize and react when the client is lying or trying to manipulate them
- Can apply in practice the techniques of argumentation, negotiations and social influence in the context of “soft collection” conversations
- Can refuse in a well-mannered but decisive way the client’s excessive requests
- Can cope with their own and client’s negative emotions
- Can apply the most important rules of “soft collection” conversations in the context of cultural differences.