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Trainings for Managers

The training offer is addressed to managers managing teams of employees.

Szkolenia Menedżerskie

Training offer


A company consists of people who work for it. Unfortunately, they’re not always loyal. What makes employees cheat the organisation and the boss and how to prevent it? How to build loyalty and commitment to the company? Why a loyal employee is so valuable? Building loyalty of one’s employees is not an easy task, nevertheless it is absolutely worth working on. A loyal employee is an invaluable resource of the company and its best flagship. The main goal of the training is to support managers in the task of effective building and strengthening the loyalty of employees.

After completing the training the participants:

  • Know the global trends and best practices in terms of increasing employees work satisfaction
  • Can conduct a practical analysis of the factors influencing the loyalty of their employees (salary, scope for development, the culture of the company and other)
  • Can conduct an analysis of reasons for lack of engagement of employees and work our ways to prevent it
  • Know how to build a work culture that fosters loyalty and the maximal engagement of employees
  • Know how to react to employees who want to leave the organisation (Is it worth to keep employees for any price? Is it worth to give a chance to employees who had left and now want to come back again?)


The training is dedicated to managers who want to use coaching in their everyday work in order to develop the potential of their employees and achieving even better results. The training will allow participants to assess the level of their skills required for coaching, familiarise themselves with practical tools of Performance Coaching and – trough exercises – to learn how to use it in practice. During the training we will define Performance Coaching and its functions, learn how to conduct the entire coaching process step by step, elaborate on the topic of feedback in coaching and of organisational and logistic aspects of coaching sessions.

After completing the training the participants:

  • Know how to conduct coaching sessions aiming at increasing the effectiveness of work
  • Know how to diagnose and strengthen the potential of their employees
  • Know how to diagnose and work with their employees’ weaknesses


Negotiations are an art that is possible to learn, by learning the key rules of preparing and conducting negotiations meetings and of forming a negotiation contract. How to conduct effective negotiations that become an element of building long term cooperation with clients? During the training participants will be familiarised with the rules of conducting partnership negotiations, building relation with the partner and possibilities of creating optimal negotiation options. They will also have a chance to practice specific negotiation techniques in simulations of negotiation conversations.

After completing the training the participants:

  • Increase their negotiating effectiveness by getting to know the tools of professional preparation to negotiations (negotiations goals, BATNA)
  • Know the rules of adjusting the negotiation style to the situation Develop skills of presenting negotiations proposals and convincing to expected concessions
  • Know the ways of controlling emotions moments of negotiations


This workshop, unlike the classic trainings in the area of managing people, goes beyond the leadership skills, touching the level of attitude and awareness of „who I am as a leader”, in order to understand better the motivation and intentions of one’s actions and its influence on the business environment. The aim of the training is a diagnosis of one’s own potential as a leader, „meeting with one’s internal leader”, gaining the awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses in the role of a leader, one’s influence on others and development of key interpersonal skills. Participants will have a chance to answer the question „ What can I do to build an authority of a real leader without disrupting relations with employees?”.

After completing the training the participants:

  • Know what is their potential, what triggers it and how they express it in the organisation
  • Have a greater awareness of their intentions while making decisions and of their automatic reactions and how those above influence others
  • Know how to increase the authority, the sense of purpose, influence and effectiveness in leading a team
  • Have an awareness and tools that support building lasting relations in the team


Managing managers is a topic demanding particular maturity of the leader and well-developed skills of conducting coaching and mentoring. Good manager manages his subordinate managers in a way so that while having a sense of real and effective support, they also have autonomy and independence. During the training we de-learn “micromanagement” and learn real empowerment.

After completing the training the participants:

  • Can inspire managers and encourage them to create and realize a real vision
  • Can apply in practice the tools of managerial facilitation (coaching and mentoring)
  • Can apply in practice the tools of managerial empowerment (prevention of micromanagement)
  • Can apply in practice the tools of motivating managers (how to encourage managers to motivate employees and to be a real ‘role model’ in the organisation)


The behavioural characteristics of managers are emulated in a more or a less conscious way in the whole organisation. Managers who have the ability to empower usually feel comfortable with passing the power and decisions down, what increases the effectiveness of the whole organisation and the relations with clients. There is a whole set of traits a manager has to possess to fully realize the idea of empowerment (e.g. the ability to trust others). These traits are visible in every day behaviour of the manager, what in return shapes the behaviours in the whole team. Managers assume various roles on daily basis, but the role of a ‘role model’ very often proves to be the crucial in building a positive and effective culture of the organisation. The training aims at helping participants look closer at ways to ensure that their employees follow models that support good values of the organisation.

After completing the training the participants:

  • Know how to build, strengthen and develop their role as a role model
  • Know how to build and strengthen so called ‘personal power’ and build a personal authority
  • Know how to motivate employees through showing them the advantages of taking certain positions and decisions


Executive coaching is a process when a coach works individually with a manager on previously diagnosed areas of improvement or when coach diagnoses them together with the manager. The need to use such a method of coaching come mostly from the fact that there is a very wide range of competences that are demanded from top managers – both \ in the area of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills (i.e. managing human resources, team building, motivating and supporting development of employees). Although managers to large extend possess those qualities, on regular basis they don’t use them effectively enough – they often struggle with giving feedback, delegating responsibility or effective goal setting. The best and verified answer to those situations is an executive coaching.

Training specification:

Managers work with the coach on the development of their individual skills and predispositions – during a one-on-one session ground work on both the attitudes and skills takes place