About VDG
We have been accompanying companies in development since the first corporations began to open branches in Poland and it turned out that employees, although they had finished good studies, are not always able to find their place in business reality.
They often lack communication skills, they don’t always know how to resolve conflicts, they can’t organize work time effectively, they don’t have practical viewers and tools to effectively manage a team, etc.
Today, many years later we meet the participants of our first trainings and we hear from them: “I would not be where I am, if not for your help” or “I have been to many trainings, but I remember yours very well, because I still learn from get inspider by it . “
We are proud that we have become part of this transformation and that we continue to support people in their daily development with unflagging energy and passion.
« Our knowledge, skills and experience help people work more efficiently, but also increase their satisfaction and comfort of work »
A client who has once chosen our services stays with us for years.
Thus, the circle of our regular clients increases its size systematically and the ones who “were there first” have worked with us since 2006.