Trainings for Team Leaders
Training offer addressed to leaders working in teams.
Training offer
„Difficult conversations” in the business context demand particular caution and sensitivity in managing the information and the emotions they might evoke. Managers and leaders usually face them when they have to speak about low performance, unacceptable in the workplace behaviour/look of an employee, find out the reason of client’s complaint, refer to some personal conflict or make someone redundant. Those conversations turn out to be a challenge even for experienced leaders. The aim of the training is to support the participants in a constructive coping with ‘difficult’ situations, to equip them with knowledge and effective tools (schemes of conversations, useful phrases) and to create space to practice conversations that are personally most difficult for them.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know essential rules and scheme of conducting „difficult” conversations with employees
- Know characteristics and rules of effective communication with the Generation Y employees and practical rules of effective disciplining of employees
- Know and can apply diverse schemes of conversations regarding making an employee redundant, depending on the reason (redundancy, disciplinary cause)
- Can deal in a constructive way with different reactions of the employees during difficult conversations (an employee doesn’t agree with our decision, wants us to be sorry for him/her, attacks, doesn’t speak)
The aim of the training is to broaden the knowledge and develop skills in coping with changes in the organisation and in conveying the information about changes to one’s employees. The participants will get to know how to deal with resistance towards changes (how to use the energy of the agents of the change) and how to involve employees in the change implementation process.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know how to implement the process of changes
- Can consciously participate in the process of changes, using knowledge and skills in the areas of communication and motivation in the context of changes
- Know how to deal with resistance towards changes and how to engage employees in the change implementation process
The aim of the training is to practise skills that define emotional intelligence (e.g. awareness and understanding of one’s own emotions and those of other people, self-control, dealing with „difficult” emotions). Participants will also have a chance to get to know and to practise techniques and tools of assertive communication (refusing, receiving and giving feedback, expressing anger etc.) particularly in the business context.
After completing the training the participants:
- Possess the knowledge and skills allowing more conscious management of one’s own emotions and those of others
- Know how to deal with one’s own “difficult emotions” and those of other people
- Can use in practice techniques and tools of assertive communication (also towards people higher in rank)
The training aims at developing the skill of using persuasive language and exerting an influence of the business environment. Participants will not only assess their own power of persuasion and test how easily they can make someone act fast or take their point of view, but also will learn how to recognise and deal with manipulation. Participants will also have a chance to test techniques of dealing with interlocutor’s resistance resulting from disparate interests, i.e. to practice the rules of conducting position negotiations.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know and can apply in practice the most important techniques of social influence and an effective persuasion
- Know different kinds of manipulation and constructive ways of reaction to it
- Are able to react to resistance and reluctance, using the tools of communication on the factual level
- Know the rules of increasing persuasiveness of their communication
The workshop is a great introduction for people who begin their work as a team leader. During the training participants will get to know how to build authority of a leader and how to make the
Generation Y employees follow him/her. Leaders will also find out what are the most common leadership traps and what are the sources of power. During the training leaders will also practice the situational leadership model, i.e. get to know how to manage employees depending on their level of competence and motivation.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know and are able to apply in practice tools of building authority, especially among the Generation Y employees
- Know and can use in practice techniques of avoiding typical „leadership traps”
- Can adjust their management style to the level of competence and motivation of employees (practical implementation of The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model)
Every leader wishes to work with involved, motivated employees, since the higher the motivation of employees is, the greater the effectiveness of the team and the company’s profits become. The leader has a key role to play here, as he/she has to notice that the life-blood of every company are people, their individual predispositions, talents, needs. Those features should determine the leader’s choice of his/her management style as well as methods to be utilised to motivate every single employee. The training focuses on the factors increasing motivation and its practical application in strengthening the engagement and motivation of one’s employees
After completing the training the participants:
- Can apply in practice the most important rules of motivating employees to work effectively for the company
- Know practical application of the most effective theories of motivation (Maslow’s, McClelland’s, Herzberg’s, Adams’ and other)
- Know the psychological characteristics and effective methods of enhancing intrinsic motivation
- Can apply methods of effective motivation of employees using non-financial tools
The skills of effective interpersonal communication allow us to speak so that other people listen to us and to listen so that the others want to speak to us. The training will help participants to acquire practical skills in terms of effective communication and assertive behaviour, with a special focus on the relations with one’s subordinates. We will show and practise e.g. adjusting one’s language to the language of employees, argumentation techniques and ways of dealing with criticism and reservations, methods of discovering common interest, the model of an assertive refusal and ways of giving a constructive feedback.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know the most common errors, barriers and misunderstandings and ways of avoiding it
- Know and can apply the most important leadership algorithms: a leader’s expose, algorithm of pointing out improper behaviour, algorithm of praising and rewarding
- Increase the understanding of assertiveness in the leadership position, i.e. what it means to look for a win-win solution in practice
- Know and are able to apply the I-Statement, i.e. to formulate a constructive feedback
During the training we are guided by a motto: “The worst use of time is to do very well things that don’t have to be done at all”. During the workshop participants practise how to set goals and priorities, how to make realistic plans and put those plans into motion, how to cope with procrastination and with work under time pressure. The training is particularly useful for team leaders, since it shows how to increase not only one’s own effectiveness but also the effectiveness of employees.
After completing the training the participants:
- Can apply in practice the most important principles of organizing the time and of effective work (separating ‘frogs’ from ‘candies’, Pareto principle, Parkinson’s law, sank costs and other)
- Can apply all the steps of effective and realistic planning (practical application of the ALPEN method)
- Can apply in practice effective methods and techniques of managing one’s employees in time (delegating and exacting the implementation, motivating control and monitoring)
- Know the most common errors made during organizing one’s time and ways of coping with them (procrastination, time eaters)
Many managers and leaders would like their employees to show more initiative and engagement in work but they don’t know how to achieve it in reality. The programme of the training aims at supporting leaders in stirring to action their employees through a modern method of management – empowerment. The aim of empowerment is increase the engagement and motivation of employees through an increase of their scope of competence and independence, since a proper strategy of empowerment can increase the effectiveness of a team, use its potential much better and achieve planned goals.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know the basic premises and conditions of empowerment and know how to encourage employees to proactive behaviour and taking responsibility for their actions
- Understand and can apply in everyday work the most important differences between delegating tasks vs. delegating responsibility and authority
- Know how to use the tools of empowerment to effectively increase intrinsic motivation and engagement of the employees
The training focuses on the social aspect (existing next to the technical one) of the performance review system, as to a large extend the effectiveness of the system is based on the leader’s skills of conducting such conversations and on the employees’ attitude towards the system. We teach leaders e.g. what the review is about and how to use it towards employees’ development, how to conduct the conversation in a motivating way, how to engage an employee in the process of the performance review and how to handle difficult situations during appraisal conversations. The workshop also gives a chance to practice exemplary appraisal conversations and difficult situations related to it.
After completing the training the participants:
- Can apply in practice the structure of an appraisal conversation – its stages, the most important principles and exemplary scripts.
- Can give constructive feedback – the employee’s strengths, how to develop them, the employee’s weaknesses, how to improve them
- Can apply in practice solutions to the most common issues occurring during an appraisal conversation (an employee negating what the leader says, a resentful employee etc.)
- Can summarize an appraisal conversation and plan an individual development plan for an employee
More and more leaders/managers manage teamsconsisting of employees working in different locations in the world. This solution, although usually brings some benefits on paper, doesn’t always translate into actual financial results due to the challenges that remote work possess. This training focuses on practical aspects of working in and managing projects in virtual teams, offering a wide spectrum of related topics – from building an effective communication plan, trough motivation and empowerment, to conducting appraisal conversations.
After completing the training the participants:
- Can encourage employees to proactive action and to take responsibility in the situation of working outside the business centre
- Know the practical differentiation between delegating tasks and delegating responsibility and authority in remote teams
- Can apply methods of effective motivating of employees with the use of non-financial instruments in remote teams
- Know how to build an atmosphere of engagement and cooperation between employees in virtual teams
The aim of the training is to prepare managers to conduct coaching sessions. Coaching sessions can be conducted both in a one-to-one formula (e.g. during appraisal conversations) as well as during team meetings (solving issues occurring in the team). Coaching is a great and verified method of searching for and releasing the hidden potential of employees. During the training leaders will receive tools indispensable for conducting coaching sessions and will have a chance to put it into practice in simulations.
After completing the training the participants:
- Know what coaching is and what coaching is not (i.e. the difference between coaching, mentoring, training, consulting and therapy) and what conditions must be met for coaching to have sense
- Know and are able to apply properly in practice coaching techniques (open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, paraphrases, clarifications, visualisations, metaphors, scaling)
- Know and are able to apply in practice creative thinking techniques used in coaching
- Know how to conduct a coaching session based on the GROW model
- Know how to conduct a follow-up session i.e. howto monitor the progress of employees
Effective team meetings allow new energy enter the team and give the team members a feeling of achieving a specific, meaningful goal. This training aims at supporting leaders in preparing, conducting and evaluating team meetings, which would improve the effectiveness of work and the relations in the team. The training will equip them with practical knowledge and tools related to such aspects of the team meetings as constructive use of visuals, effective scheme of a meeting and dealing with difficult moments during the meetings. During the training participants will get to know how team meetings can become a valuable tool of management, how can it be used to achieve important managerial goals, what loss is entailed in avoiding team meetings, how to convey unpopular and difficult information, how to communicate changes and how to give constructive feedback to the team.
After completing the training the participants:
- Have a practical knowledge regarding the pertinence of team meetings as a managerial tool (what managerial goals can be realised and what loss is entailed in avoiding such meetings)
- Can plan and carry out effective (i.e. brief, structured and purposeful) team meetings
- Can evaluate team meetings in a constructive manner and monitor the process of implementation of the decisions made (follow-up)
- Can communicate ‘difficult’ information and unpopular business decisions in a constructive way and can provide feedback to the team
Team Leader's Academy
In our offer for many years we have had an independent product – Team Leader’s Academy, professionally designed and well-proven by many clients.
The Team Leader’s Academy is a comprehensive series of trainings dedicated to new team leaders, preparing them in a thorough way towards working in the role.
The curriculum of the Academy (i.e. the number and the kind of trainings chosen from the offer above) is always individually determined and tailored to the client’s and participants’ specific needs.
The Team Leader’s Academy always receives very high ratings from its participants with regards to its effectiveness and practical utility and is considered by many of our clients as an inevitable step in the development of every team leader.